A bouquet of Rose, Jasmine, and Violet, is further sweetened by a fruity blend of Pear, Peach, and a Candyfloss Accord, warmed by Cedar, Sandal, Casmir, and Aoud Woods, Clove, Saffron, and Patchouli, sublimated by a soft, sensual base of Benzoin, Vanilla, Orris Sur Cèdre, Orris, Styrax, Birch, leather-like Labdanum, Ambergris, and Musk, the whole counterpointed by a medley of Citrus Notes.
Roja Parfums Qatar Aoud Parfum
- Top Notes: Citrus Notes
- Heart Notes: Rose de Mai, Jasmin de Grasse, Violet, Pear, Peach
- Base Notes: Clove, Saffron, Patchouli, Cedarwood, Casmir Wood, Sandalwood, Aoud, Candyfloss Accord, Benzoin, Vanilla, Orris Sur Cèdre, Orris, Styrax, Birch, Labdanum, Ambergris, Musk